Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Product Key Generator

Microsoft Visual Studio Product Key. Microsoft Visual Studio All Editions Product Key: Visual Studio Serial Key provides the most comprehensive solution to easily deliver applications across all Microsoft platforms, including phone, desktop, tablet, server, and the cloud. With an included MSDN subscription, you get access to thousands of Microsoft products and additional services—so you. I have been using VS Express 2012 for almost a month and now it states that I must enter a product key to continue using it. To get that product key I am asked to register. Only after creating a Microsoft account (great, another account to keep track of) does it inform me that I must enter details about my company, its address, its employees. Our company need a license and key for Visual Studio 2012 to be able to edit forms we’ve previously created with InfoPath. (Later versions of Visual Studio are incompatible.) Our Microsoft account manager sold us Visual Studio Professional with MSDN which comes with Software Assurance.

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È possibile applicare il codice Product Key a livello di programmazione come parte dello script utilizzato per automatizzare la distribuzione di Visual Studio.You can apply your product key programmatically as part of a script that is used to automate the deployment of Visual Studio.È possibile impostare i codici Product Key su un dispositivo a livello di programmazione durante l'installazione di Visual Studio o al termine dell'installazione.You can set a product key on a device programmatically either during an installation of Visual Studio or after an installation completes.

Applicare la licenza dopo l'installazioneApply the license after installation

È possibile attivare una versione installata di Visual Studio con un codice Product Key tramite l'utilità StorePID.exe nei computer di destinazione in modalità invisibile all'utente.You can activate an installed version of Visual Studio with a product key by using the StorePID.exe utility on the target machines, in silent mode.StorePID.exe è un programma di utilità che viene installato con Visual Studio 2017 nel percorso predefinito seguente:StorePID.exe is a utility program that installs with Visual Studio 2017 at the following default location:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017EnterpriseCommon7IDE

È possibile attivare una versione installata di Visual Studio con un codice Product Key tramite l'utilità StorePID.exe nei computer di destinazione in modalità invisibile all'utente.You can activate an installed version of Visual Studio with a product key by using the StorePID.exe utility on the target machines, in silent mode.StorePID.exe è un programma di utilità che viene installato con Visual Studio 2019 nel percorso predefinito seguente:StorePID.exe is a utility program that installs with Visual Studio 2019 at the following default location:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019EnterpriseCommon7IDE

Eseguire StorePID.exe con privilegi elevati, usando un agente System Center o un prompt dei comandi con privilegi elevati.Run StorePID.exe with elevated privileges, either by using a System Center agent or an elevated command prompt.Continuare quindi con il codice Product Key (con i trattini) e il codice Microsoft Product Code (MPC).Follow it with the product key and the Microsoft Product Code (MPC).


Assicurarsi di includere i trattini nel codice Product Key.Make sure to include the dashes in the product key.

Visual studio 2012 professional key

In questo esempio è riportata una riga di comando per l'applicazione della licenza di Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, con codice MPC 08860 e codice Product Key AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, presupponendone l'installazione in un percorso predefinito:The following example shows a command line for applying the license for Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, which has an MPC of 08860, a product key of AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, and assumes a default installation location:

In questo esempio è riportata una riga di comando per l'applicazione della licenza di Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise, con codice MPC 09260 e codice Product Key AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, presupponendone l'installazione nel percorso predefinito:The following example shows a command line for applying the license for Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise, which has an MPC of 09260, a product key of AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDDD-EEEEEE, and assumes a default installation location:

La tabella seguente riporta i codici MPC per ogni edizione di Visual Studio:The following table lists the MPC codes for each edition of Visual Studio:

Edizione di Visual StudioVisual Studio EditionMPCMPC
Visual Studio Enterprise 2017Visual Studio Enterprise 20170886008860
Visual Studio Professional 2017Visual Studio Professional 20170886208862
Visual Studio Test Professional 2017Visual Studio Test Professional 20170886608866
Edizione di Visual StudioVisual Studio EditionMPCMPC
Visual Studio Enterprise 2019Visual Studio Enterprise 20190926009260
Visual Studio Professional 2019Visual Studio Professional 20190926209262

Se StorePID.exe applica correttamente il codice Product Key, restituisce un %ERRORLEVEL% pari a 0.If StorePID.exe successfully applies the product key, it returns an %ERRORLEVEL% of 0.Se si verificano errori, verrà restituito uno dei codici seguenti, a seconda della condizione di errore:If it encounters errors, it returns one of the following codes, depending on the error condition:



Quando si esegue un'istanza virtuale di Visual Studio, assicurarsi di virtualizzare anche la cartella AppData locale e il Registro di sistema.When you run a virtual instance of Visual Studio, make sure that you also virtualize the local AppData folder and the registry.Per risolvere i C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio<version>Common7IDEDDConfigCA.exeproblemi relativi alle istanze virtuali, eseguire .To troubleshoot virtual instances, run C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio<version>Common7IDEDDConfigCA.exe.

SupportoGet support

Non sempre tutto funziona correttamente.Sometimes, things can go wrong.Se l'installazione di Visual Studio non riesce, vedere Risolvere i problemi di installazione e aggiornamento di Visual Studio per istruzioni dettagliate.If your Visual Studio installation fails, see Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues for step-by-step guidance.

Per i problemi correlati all'installazione è disponibile anche un'opzione di supporto che offre una chat per l'installazione (solo in lingua inglese).We also offer an installation chat (English only) support option for installation-related issues.

Ecco alcune altre opzioni di supporto:Here are a few more support options:

  • Segnalare i problemi del prodotto a Microsoft tramite lo strumento Segnala un problema che viene visualizzato sia nel programma di installazione di Visual Studio che nell'IDE di Visual Studio.Report product issues to us via the Report a Problem tool that appears both in the Visual Studio Installer and in the Visual Studio IDE.
  • Suggerire una funzionalità, tenere traccia dei problemi del prodotto e trovare risposte in Visual Studio Developer Community.Suggest a feature, track product issues, and find answers in the Visual Studio Developer Community.
  • Usare l'account GitHub per comunicare con gli sviluppatori Microsoft e altri sviluppatori di Visual Studio partecipando alla conversazione dedicata a Visual Studio nella community di Gitter.Use your GitHub account to talk to us and other Visual Studio developers in the Visual Studio conversation in the Gitter community.

Vedere ancheSee also

Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Product Key Generator Price


If you want to publish an application by using ClickOnce deployment, the application and deployment manifests must be signed with a public/private key pair and signed using Authenticode technology. You can sign the manifests by using a certificate from the Windows certificate store or a key file.

For more information about ClickOnce deployment, see ClickOnce security and deployment.

Signing the ClickOnce manifests is optional for .exe-based applications. For more information, see the 'Generate unsigned manifests' section of this document.

For information about creating key files, see How to: Create a public-private key pair.


Visual Studio supports only Personal Information Exchange (PFX) key files that have the .pfx extension. However, you can select other types of certificates from the current user's Windows certificate store by clicking Select from Store on the Signing page of project properties.

Sign using a certificate

  1. Go to the project properties window (right-click the project node in Solution Explorer and select Properties). On the Signing tab, select the Sign the ClickOnce manifests check box.

  2. Click the Select from Store button.

    The Select a Certificate dialog box appears and displays the contents of the Windows certificate store.


    If you click Click here to view certificate properties, the Certificate Details dialog box appears. This dialog box includes detailed information about the certificate and additional options. Click Certificates to view additional help information.

  3. Select the certificate that you want to use to sign the manifests.

  4. Additionally, you can specify the address of a timestamp server in the Timestamp server URL text box. This is a server that provides a timestamp specifying when the manifest was signed.

Sign using an existing key file

  1. On the Signing page, select the Sign the ClickOnce manifests check box.

  2. Click the Select from File button.

    The Select File dialog box appears.

  3. In the Select File dialog box, browse to the location of the key file (.pfx) that you want to use, and then click Open.


    This option supports only files that have the .pfx extension. If you have a key file or certificate in another format, store it in the Windows certificate store and select the certificate is described in the previous procedure. The selected certificate's purpose should include code signing.

    The Enter password to open file dialog box appears. (If the .pfx file is already stored in your Windows certificate store or is not password protected, you aren't prompted to enter a password.)

  4. Enter the password to access the key file, and then select Enter.


The .pfx file cannot include certificate chaining information. If it does, the following import error will occur: Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption. To remove the certificate chaining information, you can use Certmgr.msc and disable the option to Include all certificates when exporting the *.pfx file.

Sign using a test certificate

  1. On the Signing page, select the Sign the ClickOnce manifests check box.

  2. To create a new certificate for testing, click the Create Test Certificate button.

  3. In the Create Test Certificate dialog box, enter a password to help secure your test certificate.

Generate unsigned manifests

Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Product Key Generator

Signing the ClickOnce manifests is optional for .exe-based applications. The following procedures show how to generate unsigned ClickOnce manifests.


Unsigned manifests can simplify development and testing of your application. However, unsigned manifests introduce substantial security risks in a production environment. Only consider using unsigned manifests if your ClickOnce application runs on computers within an intranet that is completely isolated from the internet or other sources of malicious code.

By default, ClickOnce automatically generates signed manifests unless one or more files are specifically excluded from the generated hash. In other words, publishing the application results in signed manifests if all files are included in the hash, even when the Sign the ClickOnce manifests check box is cleared.

To generate unsigned manifests and include all files in the generated hash

  1. To generate unsigned manifests that include all files in the hash, you must first publish the application together with signed manifests. Therefore, first sign the ClickOnce manifests by following one of the previous procedures, and then publish the application.

  2. On the Signing page, clear the Sign the ClickOnce manifests check box.

  3. Reset the publish version so that only one version of your application is available. By default, Visual Studio automatically increments the revision number of the publish version every time that you publish an application. For more information, see How to: Set the ClickOnce publish version.

  4. Publish the application.

To generate unsigned manifests and exclude one or more files from the generated hash

Visual Studio Express

  1. On the Signing page, clear the Sign the ClickOnce manifests check box.

  2. Open the Application Files dialog box and set the Hash to Exclude for the files that you want to exclude from the generated hash.


    Excluding a file from the hash configures ClickOnce to disable automatic signing of the manifests, so you do not need to first publish with signed manifests as shown in the previous procedure.

  3. Publish the application.

Download Visual Studio Express 2012

See also